Rasmus Benestad
OSS Science Reviewer: Norwegian Meteorological Institute; R&D Division, Department of Model and Climate Analysis Oslo. Rasmus has been a major contributor to communicating climate science by assuring the message is not muddled. His work on RealClimate has been a major contribution to accurate science communications to help scientists and non-scientists to understand the physics and functions of climate science.

Rasmus is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. His research interests include climate change and variations, analysis, and bridging the gap between model calculations and observations. He is one coordinating lead author for the report Adaptive Actions in a Changing Arctic commissioned by AMAP/The Arctic Council, and has served as a council member of European Meteorological Society as well as in the CORDEX Task Force on Regional Climate Downscaling. He also assisted with editorial work on the European Academies Science Advisory Council report on extreme weather in Europe, and is a contributor to the influential climate science blog RealClimate.org.