
The Learning Center Systems project was designed by John Reisman working with Jonas Salk and Martin Chamberlain in the late 80’s and into the mid 90’s. It’s relevance is as strong today as it was then. This project aims to revolutionize education in all areas, including: administration capacity, student and teacher performance, curriculum development systems… In fact, everything a school, or district needs to measure, monitor and perform.
Learning Center Systems
The Learning Center Systems (LCS) project (formerly known as the tlc-path-project) has been developing since the mid 1980’s. It was conceived to address the needs of individuals within group systems in order to advance the ability of educational systems and improve educational quality and overall health of students by addressing those needs.
The Learning Center (TLC) & Progressive Approach to Teaching Habilitation (PATH) Project principally developed by John P. Reisman, is a project of the University of the World founded by Dr. James Grier Miler, author of Living Systems Theory. This project is designed to address multiple educational goals. Subject mastery; Enabling individual learning pathways while simultaneously addressing group learning and subject mentoring; Increasing student/teacher interaction time (measured 400+ percent interaction increase in deployed systems); Reducing educational costs; Systemically increasing GPA; Reducing SCV’s in the behavioral PATH program…and much more.