WCC3 – The World Climate Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland for one week included the expert segment (first 3 days) putting together the materials for the expert segment (the last two days) in order to put together and present the conference declaration.


WCC-3 Poster

Overall there was a sense of unified purpose combined with concerns regarding what needs to be done and how can it be accomplished.

Quotes from the conference

“We have unleashed the powerful and unpredictable forces whose impact is already very visible.”

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations

I think we would be making a terrible mistake if we didn’t seize the moment and seize this opportunity to bring about stabilization of the earth’s climate, because our future and the future of our children and grandchildren, and all species on earth depends on this reality.

 Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, IPCC Chairman

“If the lion is eating the goat, why should the lamb be worried?” (regarding ‘why’ we need to work together as nations)

Eugene Adoboli, Ancien Directeur des Nations Unies, Togo

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”

Quoted from Benjamin Franklin

“Scientists have been accused for years of scare mongering, but the real scare mongers are those who say we can not afford action, that it will hold back economic growth, they are wrong.”

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations

“We must stabilize global warming which must not increase more that 2 degrees C.” and “Reason allied to science will guide our actions”

Mr. Moritz Leuenburger, Federal Counselor of the Swiss Confederation

Climate change is a threat multiplier.

Paraphrased from a talk from Gordon McBean, Canada


DO 1 We, Heads of State and Government, Ministers and Heads of Delegation present at the High-level Segment of the World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3) in Geneva, noting the findings of the Expert Segment of the Conference;

OP 1 Decide to establish a Global Framework for Climate Services (hereafter referred to as “the Framework”) to strengthen production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services;

OP 2 Request the Secretary-General of WMO to convene within four months of the adoption of the Declaration an intergovernmental meeting of member states of the WMO to approve the terms of reference and to endorse the composition of a task force of high-level, independent advisers to be appointed by the Secretary-General of the WMO with due consideration to expertise, geographical and gender balance;

OP 3 Decide that the task force will, after wide consultation with governments, partner organizations and relevant stakeholders, prepare a report, including recommendations on proposed elements of the Framework, to the Secretary-General of WMO within 12 months of the task force being set up. The report should contain findings and proposed next steps for developing and implementing a Framework. In the development of their report, the task force will take into account the concepts outlined in the annexed Brief Note;

OP 4 Decide further that the report of the task force shall be circulated by the Secretary-General of WMO to Member States of the WMO for consideration at the next WMO Congress in 2011, with a view to the adoption of a Framework and a plan for its implementation; and

OP 5 Invite the Secretary-General of WMO to provide the report to relevant organizations, including the UN Secretary-General.

icon Brief Note

icon WCC-3 High-Level Declaration [pdf]

icon Arabic (Brief Note) – Chinese (Brief Note)

Recorded videos (in 16:9 format by session)

Archived videos are also available from video thumbnails from our ‘Live Webcasts platform’ day after live delivery.


Expert segment:


Statements from the opening of the High-Level Segment


The WCC3 was held to set the parameters for the needs for Global Climate Services as a component of mitigation and adaptation as it relates to global climate change.
