The Leading Edge

2012 Jan – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Feb 1, 2012 | The Leading Edge
National Climate Data Center Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters; Climate change skepticism seeps into science classrooms2011 saw a mix of more of the same in the climate debate and misunderstanding. While the science continues to reduce uncertainty in new and...

2011 December – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Jan 1, 2012 | The Leading Edge
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting OSS Talks: Monday - Effectively Communicating Climate Science (How to Address Related Issues); Friday - Climate Confluence Issues (Energy, Environment, Economics, Security)Land Ocean Temp Anomalies 10/2011 These session...

2011 November – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Dec 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Rush Limbaugh – "It's a Hoax"; World's most-populous country to phase out energy-inefficient bulbs; National Climate Data Center - September Report; Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters; Richard Somerville ABC InterviewRush Limbaugh – "It's a Hoax" October 31,...

2011 October – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Nov 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
NASA Satellites Detect Pothole on Road to Higher Seas; Summer 2011: Arctic sea ice near record lows, Conditions in context, September 2011 compared to past years, Atmospheric conditions, Sea surface temperatures, Ice remains younger/thinner; The cost of 'wait &...

2011 September – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Oct 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Reuters/Stanford/Ipsos Environmental Poll Friday, September 16, 2011 Washington, DC - A new Ipsos poll conducted behalf of Stanford University and Reuters explores American public opinion on the environment and global warming. A summary of key findings are listed...

2011 August – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Sep 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Roy Spencer's Quest for MisunderstandingJune 2011 Global Temperature Anomalies Roy Spencer's Quest for Misunderstanding By, John P. Reisman – August 1, 2011 Science is a quest for understanding our world, ourselves and our existence. It is built upon a method of...
2011 July – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Aug 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Global Highlights indicate continued anomalous warming over Russia; Revisiting historical ocean surface temperatures; Russian Temperature Anomaly; Is Sea-Level Rise Accelerating?; North Pole Cam 1 & 2; Arctic Sea Ice Extent Averaging Below 2007 Anomaly;...

2011 June – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Jul 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Dengue Fever Creeps Back Into the U.S. — and Climate Change Isn't Helping; Climate Scientists in Australia Moved to Secure Facility; Rick Santorum: Man-made climate change is liberal 'junk science,' in sharp contrast to Mitt Romney; Australian climate scientists...

2011 May – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | Jun 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Can carbon dioxide be a good thing (context from 2007)?; Direct removal of carbon dioxide from air likely not viable; America's Climate Choices Final Report; The Stockholm Memorandum - 3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium* on Global Sustainability, Stockholm, Sweden.April...

2011 Apr – The Leading Edge
by thandaumbube-jpr | May 1, 2011 | The Leading Edge
Lead Image shows climate extremes for March 2011; NCDC Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies March 2011; Gallup Poll: Fewer Americans, Europeans View Global Warming as a Threat.Global Climate Extremes - March 2011 Global Highlights The combined global land and ocean...